
Fassi F820RA.2.26 L414

The testimony of Mr. Matthew French, director and manager of the UK company RS French, is now on the Fassi YouTube channel

According to the director of the company RS French Ltd, one of the largest suppliers of portable housing units to Kent, Fassi represents an excellent choice of medium to large cranes, which is why RS French has relied mainly on Fassi and in particular on the dealer Central Crane Technicians for the supply and servicing of its cranes since 2010. 

The relationship with the dealer is fundamental for establishing a solid technical partnership. Compared to other crane manufacturers, Fassi offers the best weight to power ratio, allowing maximum payload to be reached at better distances. 

Click here to watch https://youtu.be/YuzqGU7WdWs

Fassi Gru S.p.A. - Loader cranes manufacturer since 1965

Fassi Gru is the market leader among Italian producers. Its product range and sales numbers place it among the top producers of hydraulic cranes in the world.

Fassi’s production potential is approximately 12,000 cranes per year. The entire range is exported and distributed throughout the world through an efficient and widespread distribution network. From Canada to France, from the UK to Australia, Fassi’s professionalism is reflected in the company’s aim to meet different market needs, which are often linked to the specific geographical and economic conditions of individual countries.