Fassi F155A.0.24 active

A special installation of a new Fassi F155A.0.24 active loader crane by Fassi’s Mexican distributor, Eurogru S.A. De C.V.

Puebla (Mexico) – Towards the end of August, Fassi’s Mexican distributor, Eurogru S.A. De C.V., delivered a new Fassi F155A.0.24 active loader crane installed on a Kenworth T300 truck to an important customer in the handling sector. The crane has a maximum lifting capacity of 12.64 tm and a standard reach of 12.55 m.
Fassi - Borden Park

Fassi customer Encore Trucking & Transport Ltd. helps to install 11 sculptures in an Edmonton park with a Fassi F155A.0.24 e-active loader crane

Edmonton (Canada) - At the beginning of July, Fassi customer Encore Trucking & Transport Ltd. assisted in the installation of 11 new sculptures in Borden Park (Edmonton), with the help of a Fassi F155A.0.24 e-active crane mounted on a Hino flat deck truck. The installation took place over two days and is part of an initiative from the Edmonton Arts Council, which takes works of art out of the studio and places them in an accessible and highly-visible public setting.
Fassi F155A.0.21 - Professional Traders Ltd

Charlton Bodies installs F155A.0.21 loader crane for Professional Traders Ltd

Dover (UK). On the 10th January, Charlton Bodies, a body builder in Dover, Kent, completed the installation of a F155A.0.21 loader crane onto a 6x2 CF DAF truck CF for customer PTL (Professional Traders Ltd), a building materials distributor based in Sunbury-on-Thames. The crane was mounted at the rear of the vehicle for more operational possibilities and is fitted with a brick stack grapple for the easier maneuvering of bulk supplies. Courtesy of Fassi UK (P. May).

Fassi Gru S.p.A. - Loader cranes manufacturer since 1965

Fassi Gru is the market leader among Italian producers. Its product range and sales numbers place it among the top producers of hydraulic cranes in the world.

Fassi’s production potential is approximately 12,000 cranes per year. The entire range is exported and distributed throughout the world through an efficient and widespread distribution network. From Canada to France, from the UK to Australia, Fassi’s professionalism is reflected in the company’s aim to meet different market needs, which are often linked to the specific geographical and economic conditions of individual countries.